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United We Sleep

Take a Stand Against Homelessness in Our Community

We live in a beautiful community and it is sometimes all too easy to forget that there exists a level of poverty which many of us rarely encounter or cannot really even imagine. It is difficult to imagine that every year, people in our community die while homeless. It is almost impossible to comprehend that at least 300 kids in the Nashua School District are homeless.

On November 12th and 13th, we will come together to experience United We Sleep in front of the Community College right on Amherst Street. We have moved this event from September to November and while we realize that it will be likely much colder at the beginning of November than the middle of September, we are mindful of the fact that our community’s homeless population doesn’t get to pick the weather.

This new time of year allows us to get the heartiest of people involved, youth and student groups! Our goal this year is to dramatically expand the reach and impact of United We Sleep, which is an event that helps us to make a statement and increase awareness about the serous nature of homelessness in our community.

Sign up here to make a difference:

Download our complete event information packet here:

Check out photos from UWS2019 HERE!

Check out our short PSA Video from last years event

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