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For Service Providers

Make Your Services Known…Register with 211-NH

Your ability to serve our community is only as good as the ability of those in need of your services being able to find you. 211-NH is a statewide information and referral service that anyone with a need can call for free to find out about health and human service programs that can help. Sharing information about all of your programs and services with 211-NH will help the people who need you most, find you. The more detailed you are the better the referrals you will receive. Keep your programs up to date on 211-NH, Add 211nh to your mailing list and make a note to review your listing at least once per year.   TIP:  Set February 11 (2/11) as your profile update day!  Easy to Remember!  Encourage each of your program directors to review the profiles for each of your programs to make sure that ALL the resources you offer are listed with as much detail as neede to ensure our community members in need can get connected.

How to Apply for A Grant:

Next Open RFP Cycle Available in Fall of 2025 for Funding in 2026-29

Each year, United Way runs a campaign for the common good.  Many companies host campaigns and generous donors pledge and make contributions.  Individual donors can choose to support an individual cause or choose to invest in the whole community by supporting the Community Impact Fund.  Local UWGN volunteers conduct a needs assessment and set priorities for funding based on United Way’s GLOBAL STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK.

Every three years, United Way has an open request for proposals (RFP) in search of 501c3 nonprofit partners that are working to address the community needs highlighted in the needs assessment in the areas of Health,  Education and Economic Mobility—what United Way considers are the building blocks of a quality life.

Volunteer panelists review proposal by impact area and make recommendations to our Board for how best to invest the available funds.  Grants are automatically renewed for up to three years based on the funds raised by the campaign and progress made toward the program goals.

Our current RFP closed in June and grants were awarded in January of 2023.  Our next 3-cycle will be open in Fall of 2025.  If you would like to be notified when the process is open for applications, please email Liz Fitzgerald

E-CImpact is how we accept proposals, manage grants and collect impact data.  Click here to create or  Log in to your e-C IMPACT account.  Once you have an account, you will be able to see a copt if the eligibilit criteria and any open RFP processes.  Refer to the current UWGN needs assessment and UWGN funding priorities.  There is an orientation video and additional resources on the site under resources that can help you.  Please reach out to if you have any specific questions.

Applications accepted at anytime.

We maintain a small pool of funds to help local community service providers in a jam.  Refrigerator die at your food pantry? Get a flat tire on your van?  If you are a nonprofit organization meeting needs in greater nashua in the area of Health, Education or Economic Sustainability and are experiencing an emergency, reach out we might be able to help.  To request support for your emergent need, please send no more than a 1-page request explaining your emergency need and cost of item or repair, etc.  to Liz Fitzgerald at  Requests are reviewed on a rolling basis, and grants are made quickly based on available funds.  Funds can be grants or no-cost loans depending on the nature of the emergency.

Annual Award Granted Through US Department of Homeland Security and FEMA
Next Phase has been awarded and RFP Notification will be made available in first quarter of 2024.

We facilitate the federal Emergency Food Supplemental Program EFSP for Hillsborough County.  This grant is made available through US Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security in partnership the American Red Cross, Catholic Charities USA, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, The Jewish Federations of North America, The Salvation Army, and United Way Worldwide. The Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) was created in 1983 to supplement and expand the work of local social service agencies, both nonprofit and governmental, to help people with economic emergencies (not disaster-related [i.e., fires of any kind, floods, tornadoes, etc.] emergencies). EFSP funds may be used to provide economic assistance in the long term, even if the current circumstances may have been impacted by an earlier disaster occurrence. The EFSP funding is open to all organizations helping hungry and homeless people. EFSP funds must be used to supplement feeding, sheltering (including transitional sheltering) and rent/mortgage and utility assistance efforts only.  The Local EFSP Hillsborough County Board accepts proposals annually in the spring for agencies that provide served meals, food pantry and utility assistance.  The timeframe changes slightly each year based on the Federal budgets.  The local board posts public notices in the Nashua Telegraph and the Union Leader to notify potential grantees of the opportunity.  If you would like to receive an email of the public notice, please email

Live United Innovations Fund
Proposals can be submitted at anytime and awards are made on a quarterl bases while funds are available.

The purpose of this grant is to create equitable opportunities for local community builders that are working to address community needs and have a vision and mission that aligns with United Way of Greater Nashua’s Strategic Framework.  The focus for funding will be to support programs and services meeting the needs of underserved populations and/or are led by small nonprofits or informal volunteer or civic groups that demonstrate leadership and engagement of BIPOC community leaders to ensure equitable voice and culturally effective practices.   By supporting grass roots and emerging efforts with an equity lens, United Way aims to ensure that we continue to build capacity for the community, stay on the cutting edge of innovation, and ensure that problem solving is effective, responsive and inclusive.  Requests for funding should address a need that is highlighted in the community needs assessment, does not duplicate an existing program or service.  One-time grants will be for $5,000 or less.  Applications can be submitted at any time and will be reviewed and awarded on a quarterly basis while funds are available.  Qualifications are designed to be simple and to encourage and support innovation and capacity building among underserved communities and emerging community leaders.  Programs or projects must service at least one or more communities located in Greater Nashua and programs or projects must help people improve their lives by improving their health, education or economic well-being.  Preference will be give to programs and services that address the root causes of disparity or help to eliminate know barriers related to the social determinants of health and well-being.  Applicants can include small to mid-sized nonprofits, faith communities, informal groups or neighborhoods, coalitions, youth leadership groups and other civic and social groups.  Entities need to collaborate with a 501C3 organization in order to receive funding from United Way.  United Way can assist entities in identifying a suitable fiscal agency partner and this should not be a barrier to applying for funds.  Applicants that receive funding will need to sign a partnership agreement with United Way and submit a project report no later than 1 year after the grant was awarded.

Use this Link to Apply for Funding.  When possible, grant awardees will be referred to NH Charitable Foundation for Matching grants.  For more information reach out to Liz Fitzgerald, Director of Community Impact at United Way Greater Nashua. 603-864-0203.

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