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Free tax preparation services are available starting in early February 2024 for Greater Nashua residents through a partnership led by United Way of Greater Nashua, the IRS and other community partners and volunteers.

Tax preparation will be done by trained and IRS-certified volunteers at the four sites in Nashua and Hudson

All sites require that the taxpayer schedule an appointment in advance to have their return processed. Details on how to make an appointment for each site, along with dates and times when the sites will be open, is included at right.

Those wishing to have their taxes prepared by the volunteers are asked to have all their documents available when making their appointment. Information on which documents are needed are listed at the bottom of IRS Form 3676-B located at

Volunteers have been trained to assist taxpayers for both the VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) and the TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) Programs. They will assist taxpayers in identifying any credits (Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, etc.) they may be entitled to.

The VITA Program offers free help to people who generally earn $64,000 or less, people with disabilities and limited English-speaking taxpayers. The TCE Program is generally for people aged 60 or older and focuses on tax issues unique to seniors. While there is no income limit on TCE prepared returns, priority is given to low-to-moderate income households. The sites in Nashua and Hudson can prepare tax returns for both programs.

IRS Form 3676-B also contains information on the specific types of returns the trained volunteers are able (or not able) to process in the VITA and TCE programs; please refer to this list to see if you qualify.

Additional information about the tax preparation services available in Greater Nashua through the United Way of Greater Nashua-sponsored program will be provided as it becomes available. Anyone with questions can contact United Way at (603) 824-0205 or email

For information on tax preparation services available in other New Hampshire communities, call 2-1-1 or go to

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