Item Donation
You can help members of our community experiencing homelessness, those who are food insecure, people lacking the resources to purchase menstrual supplies, and low-income students by donating items from the lists below.
Rosie’s Pantry FREE Women’s Hygiene Pantry – Located at Girls Inc. on Burke Street in Nashua, this pantry offers free menstrual supplies to people who can’t afford to purchase them. Donations to this wish list also supply pantries at some Nashua public schools. Items for Rosie’s Pantry are also collected at our bi-weekly drives – volunteer HERE. Donate here:
Rod Hansen / TAPP School Supplies Pantry – United Way of Greater Nashua and Teachers and Paws Project have come together to provide school supplies to teachers who may otherwise have to pay for them out of their own pocket. The pantry is open to any educator in the Greater Nashua area who is in need of supplies for students who would otherwise go without. Donate here:
Food Pantry Support – While United Way of Greater Nashua’s weekly Food Drives supply many of our local food pantries with items for their clients, more is always needed. If you’d like to contribute to our Food Drives and aren’t able to stop by one of the donation locations, we’d love to invite you to donate items from this list:
Homelessness Basics Kits – Members of our community living outdoors often need items to keep themselves warm and dry. We hope you’ll consider donating items like tents, sleeping bags, taps, socks and hats. Donate here: