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Community Investment

We all benefit when a child succeeds in school, when someone finds a job that will help them provide for their family, or when more people are able to access quality, affordable dental care. The solutions we create for our community go beyond short-term charity for a few.

When United Way’s support for after school programs help our teens graduate with a plan and the confidence to achieve it, it’s not just the students or even just the families of those students who benefit. Those proud graduates now have a much better chance of landing a job that pays a livable wage, of staying out of trouble with the law, and of living longer, healthier lives — and that translates into a safer, healthier and more prosperous community for everyone.

We rise or fall together. With your support, we are reaching for great new heights. We believe that communities are strongest when all people have access to the building blocks of a good quality of life. We identify those building blocks as Health, Education and Economic Mobility.

There are many reasons why people do not have access and we invest in programs and services and launch initiatives that meet our community where it is at…and help to remove the barriers that hold people back from achieving their best potential. Through our shared investment in the Community Impact Fund, we are together achieving measurable results that are strengthening our community and changing lives.

Current Annual Community Impact Fund Investments In Key Focus Areas

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