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Donate to the Community Impact Fund
Help support the needs of your community
- We’re local – Donations to the Community Impact Fund stay in Greater Nashua.
- We’re accountable – Funded programs must meet strict guidelines and prove to volunteers exactly how they improve lives.
- We’re efficient – We keep costs low by relying on volunteers to raise money for local programs.
- We’re effective – Our program funding is based on periodic Community Assessments and tied to measurable outcomes.
Your investment. Your impact.

Safety Net
Funding critical services to support self-sufficiency
$13/mo. ($156)
Provides an older, homebound adult one month’s worth of meals, plus a safety check with each delivery

Our Community’s Health
Increasing access to health and dental care and preventing substance abuse
$22/mo. ($260)
Provides teeth cleaning, diagnostic x-rays, and treatment planning for 2 uninsured patients.

Transitional Housing
Providing a safe place to live for families in crisis
$43/mo. ($520)
Provides stable, clean and safe housing for a family for six months
You have the power to make a difference.
When you give to United Way of Greater Nashua’s Community Impact Fund, you support a network of services that address our region’s most pressing needs and improve lives by:
- Promoting self sufficiency
- Helping children succeed
- Improving our community’s health
See our funded programs in the following impact areas:

Planned giving — create a legacy
You are already a donor, so you know the good you can do with a donation to United Way. Have you ever considered how you might remember United Way for many years, even generations, into the future. A planned gift can provide current financial benefits and a way to make lasting change for the future. Learn more by HERE and contact us if you are interested in exploring this concept further. If you are ready to make a planned gift, you can start with our Planned Giving “Letter of Intent” HERE.