United Way of Greater Nashua’s is now accepting proposals for the upcoming funding cycle. This is a 3-year cycle. The deadline for proposals is 9/15/2022 at 10PM. Nonprofits serving the Greater Nashua Community and achieving impact in health, education or economic mobility are eligible to apply.
Grants awarded in this cycle will be funded for 3 years if satisfactory annual reporting criteria is met.
Use this link to access the application: https://agency.e-cimpact.com/login.aspx?org=31050F
If you have applied for United Way Funding before you can log into your existing profile. You will have the option to associate previous programs to this cycle or add new programs. Your login name is the same as your email address (e.g. lfitzgerald@unitedwaynashua.org), and you will be able to reset your password at login if you cannot remember it. Please register for one account per agency. Multiple staff members can have their own username and password to access the same agency profile and program proposals
If you have never applied to United Way Greater Nashua, you will need to register with your agency first and then you will be able to access the RFP once your profile is established. You can register with your agency using the above link. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or any difficulty logging into the site.
This is an open process, and any 501 C 3 Serving Greater Nashua is eligible to apply. United Way’s focus for funding is Health, Education and Economic Mobility/Stability. Because this is an open process, the deadline date and time is final, and no exceptions can be made. Please plan accordingly to meet the deadline.
You are invited to attend an orientation session on zoom to review the forms and ask any questions you may have on August 30th at 1 PM Please use this link to join the meeting on zoom. Links to this zoom recording are available once you register your agency with ECImpact Portal.
Thanks for all you do to make our community stronger. For More Information