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Tech Help United Intake Form


    * = Required field
    * = Optional field

    Contact Information

    Preferred Language *

    Demographic Information

    Your Age *

    Your Gender *

    Your Ethnicity (Check all that apply) *

    Internet Access

    Do you have access to an internet connected device? *

    Please tell us why you currently do not have internet access. (Check all that apply) *

    Are you interested in learning about affordable Internet options? *

    Device Availability

    Do you have access to any of the following devices? (Check all that apply) *

    What is the condition of the device that you primarily use? *

    Digital Skills Assessment

    How would you rate your skill level with digital/electronic devices? *

    Which specific skills do you need help with? (Check all that apply) *

    Specific Questions and Concerns

    Goals and Interests

    What are your main goals for using technology? (Check all that apply) *

    Are there specific websites, resources, or training that you are interested in? *

    Additional Information

    Do you have any disabilities or require special accommodations? *

    Please list your disabilities. (One disability per line) *

    Closing Thoughts

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