Nonprofits to benefit from dining program
The United Way of Greater Nashua has launched a new program to benefit local restaurants and raise money for their COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund for Greater Nashua.
DINE UNITED features a weekly lineup of restaurants that have signed on to help with United Way’s efforts to aid local nonprofits in the area by donating 10 percent of their additional sales. When calling for a take-out order the customer must mention the United Way.
Third-party delivery services are unable to honor the donations.
So far, 13 restaurants have joined the program and more are expected to join.
“Each of these people, they’re not just a business, they’re a family and they are being so supportive of people throughout the year and we’re just really appreciative that they’ve stepped up and are willing to help out this way,” United Way president Mike Apfelberg said.
The relief fund was set up about four weeks ago to provide financial support to local nonprofits for their expenses related to the ongoing coronavirus disease pandemic. The fund provides microgrants to local nonprofits with emergency expenses.
So far, some of United Way’s COVID-19 efforts include more than 33,000 school breakfasts and lunches delivered, 3,000 rolls of toilet paper distributed, 90 gallons of custom made hand sanitizer distributed and 41 targeted relief grants made to local nonprofits, among other statistics.
The following restaurants are currently participating in the DINE UNITED program, the Giant of Siam, Mr. Mac’s Mac n’ Cheese, the Lobster Boat, Black Forest Café, Butter n’ Jam, K’Sone’s Thai, The Country Chef in Wilton, LaBelle Winery, You You Japanese Bistro, The Pasta Loft, Main Street Gyro, the Hollis Country Kitchen, and Luk’s Bar and Grill in Hudson.
A schedule of which restaurants are participating each day this week can be found online at,
More information on United Way’s work to support the community during this pandemic is available on their website. People can also donate directly to support the relief fund at,
This article was originally published in The Nashua Telegraph by Adam Urquhart.